Project Information
Josefin H. Smith
Business Solution
25 January, 2023
258 Dancing Street, USA

Communication Skills

Essential communication skills such as active listening, effective questioning, empathy and assertiveness and influencing skills ensure clarity of messages, fostering collaboration, and enable teams to work cohesively toward shared objectives.

Flexible Learning to Fit Your Future Leaders’ Schedules

Concepts and frameworks can be quickly learned however it takes time to internalise and master them. On the other hand, we recognise that people are busy and time may be limited. Whether you are looking for a short 1 – 2-day workshop, bite-sized learning or an in-depth 6 – 12-month development process, we have you covered.
Training is usually in-house at your company or a venue of your choice. We also support local institutions such as the HKGCC with open workshops for their members. Contact us for more details.
Our training is mostly conducted face-to-face. f you have remote teams across the region, we offer virtual training on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Class size can vary according to the topic and your requirements. For most trainings our recommended class size is 12 - 16 participants. Small-group follow-up coaching is also a popular option.
For organizations looking to build their internal training capabilities, we offer Train the Trainer programmes in certain skills areas. We equip your in-house trainers with the necessary expertise and materials to deliver impactful training, ensuring continuity and consistency across the organization.

Personal Effectiveness

Our personal effectiveness workshops include:

Presentation Skills & Story-Telling

Participants develop executive presence, authority and personal impact in their presentations. Using work-based presentations and story-telling, we develop skills for making their key points clear and memorable. Participants learn to adapt their approach according to their audience and develop techniques for handling audience questions and concerns with confidence.

Effective Negotiating

Participants apply a process for planning and conducting negotiations systematically and effectively. Through cases, exercises and role-plays, participants develop the interpersonal skills of negotiation and learn how to influence and get commitment. They become more aware of their personal negotiating style and how this impacts relationships, and explore common negotiating tactics and how to counter them.

Project Management

This workshop provides a simple, easily-understood approach to planning and implementing projects which can be applied across the organisation to ensure greater consistency and alignment. Project leaders learn to manage timelines, people and resources more effectively, and develop skills to influence and get commitment whether leading project meetings, proposing changes to senior management or working with external stakeholders.

Teamwork & Communication

Through experiential exercises and activities, participants get to know each other better as individuals, build collaborative and creative problem solving skills, and develop team spirit and belonging. If appropriate, we will incorporate DISC or MBTI® personality assessments. These help participants understand their own and others’ personality style preferences and work more effectively with differences in teams.

Good and useful for my daily job and how to deal with the relationship with colleague.
I like the way the instructor presents the course material. The different activities get us to participate and get us to think.
Very clear in every detail. The flow was very smooth. The best management training I have ever attended.

Let’s start a conversation.