We support the development of skills to lead people and projects effectively through alignment of goals, enhancing employee engagement, and continuous improvement to raise the bar on performance.
Flexible Learning to Fit Your Future Leaders’ Schedules
Concepts and frameworks can be quickly learned however it takes time to internalise and master them. On the other hand, we recognise that people are busy and time may be limited. Whether you are looking for a short 1 – 2-day workshop, bite-sized learning or an in-depth 6 – 12-month development process, we have you covered.
Training is usually in-house at your company or a venue of your choice. We also support local institutions such as the HKGCC with open workshops for their members. Contact us for more details.
Our training is mostly conducted face-to-face. f you have remote teams across the region, we offer virtual training on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Class size can vary according to the topic and your requirements. For most trainings our recommended class size is 12 - 16 participants. Small-group follow-up coaching is also a popular option.
For organizations looking to build their internal training capabilities, we offer Train the Trainer programmes in certain skills areas. We equip your in-house trainers with the necessary expertise and materials to deliver impactful training, ensuring continuity and consistency across the organization.